If you are in an abusive relationship with a partner or spouse, you and your children need help. Protective orders order the abuser to stay away in addition to stopping any and all contact with the victim and any listed children. There are criminal and civil penalties, including jail time, if an abuser violates a protective order.
If you are in a dangerous situation with your spouse, get to a safe place with the children and call the police immediately. The police will likely order the person to leave the house for the night or make an arrest. This gives victims breathing room to take charge of the situation. While you can get a temporary protective order by yourself, it is highly recommended that you hire an attorney. The paperwork you need to fill out must be done properly from the very beginning of the case.
Consult with one of our experienced family law attorneys today. We promise to aggressively represent your rights. Call us today at 972-459-4400.