Recently, an unusual story in Lakeview involving a property standoff during a divorce generated national headlines.
According USA Today, a 69-year-old man began camping out in his front yard when his wife kicked him out of their Taylor Lake Shores property. The subdivision the house sits in is upscale and contains many multi-million dollar properties.
Before he began to camp out at the home, Lakeview police officers told media outlets that they had to report to the property about 30 times due to arguments involving the couple. The man’s wife allegedly changed the locks following a recent argument and demanded that police remove him from the property. However, because the man’s name was on the deed for the property, they could not remove him from it.
The man began camping out on the property, saying he would not leave until the woman changed her mind about divorcing him. Things became so bizarre that neighbors began to bring the man food because he claimed that he was weak during the five-month ordeal. His wife then put up a sign on the front of the property, asking people not to feed him.
Eventually, the man’s wife got a judge to sign off on the couple’s divorce, with the woman declared the sole owner of the home. With the order, police had the legal authority to remove the man from the property. However, without resistance, the man recently left the property, taking a cab to an undisclosed location.
Unfortunately, the man involved in the ordeal has a history of domestic violence. USA Today reported that he was arrested in Harris County in 2008 and his wife filed a protective order against him following a string of arguments.
If You Are Involved in a Toxic or Abusive Marriage, Let Our Lewisville Divorce Attorneys Help You
This admittedly odd story shows how complicated the divorce process can be when a history of domestic violence affects a relationship. If your spouse is abusive, seek immediate help. Call police or a domestic violence helpline.
Additionally, you can contact our office about obtaining a protective order against a spouse if you and your children need help. Our Lewisville family attorneys work closely with victims of domestic violence, harassment and stalking, to make sure that they are safe.
JulianJohnson, P.C. – Lewisville Family Attorneys